
Cyber Security & Compliance

Computer security, cyber security, digital security or information technology security (IT security) is the protection of computer systems and networks from attacks by malicious actors that may result in unauthorized information disclosure, theft of, or damage to hardware, software, or data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

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Managed IT & Remote Assistance

Managed IT services are beneficial for both large organizations and small businesses; new companies and established ones.

Filling the skills gap. Managed services can be good for teams that don’t have the time, skills, or experience internally to manage certain business functions on their own, or choose to focus their efforts on other initiatives. Relying on an expert to provide a service allows your teams to focus on innovation without getting bogged down in routine tasks.

Cost savings. Many managed services are tied to variable cloud expenses. These services can save you money on staff and training. Pricing for other managed services is usually included in a fixed monthly charge. Engaging a managed service company instead of building in-house IT operations can be cheaper and the costs can be more predictable, which is helpful for budgeting.

Reliability. You can worry less about outages because the managed service provider is responsible for keeping the service available at all times. Services and IT support are provided under an SLA, so it is clear what to expect and when to expect it. An in-house IT team is often juggling multiple responsibilities but an MSP can focus on perfecting delivery of their specific service. This means focusing on the health and security of the service, applying patches and upgrades as needed.

Email & Cloud Services

As one of the leading email troubleshooters in the area, E Solution Group is called on, not only by clients, but by other IT vendors to assist in Email and Cloud based communication problems.

Data Recovery

Data Backup & Recovery

With our Sentry EDR and Sky Vault packages, we will ensure that your data is protected, backed up, and available to you at any time you need.

Sentry Monitoring System

sen·try –noun -definition: a soldier stationed at a place to stand guard and prevent the passage of unauthorized persons, watch for fires

The Sentry Monitoring System is our answer to the system administrative needs of small businesses. With affordable pricing, we strive to keep small and medium businesses effective and up to date with their technology needs. Our 24/7 monitoring system continuously maintains a watch of your network, hardware, and software for small problems before they become major issues.

Have an I.T. staff already? No problem! The Sentry Monitoring System is also geared towards making your in-house I.T. staff more efficient. With our client-side portal, your I.T. staff can monitor numerous sites from anywhere in the world! Our system also makes asset tracking and remote assistance a breeze.

This system can be customized for any business structure. With state-of-the-art detection and monitoring service, see how much more efficient your network can be.
